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أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع
قديم 24-11-2007, 11:42 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1
طرفاوي بدأ نشاطه
الصورة الرمزية Altaweel

افتراضي Fix please

Salaam Alikoum,
I need your help to fix this essay to me.
It's my story when I started studying at High School till I arrive in America.

Could please correct it to me?

My Hindrances in My Dream
After I graduated from Junior High School, I decided to study at Industrial High School which was a different school from general education and wasn’t following my dream. In the first days of my decision I thought no one will say "No" because this is my dream and I have to follow what I want, but my mother didn't see eye to eye for going to Industrial High School and wanted me to go to General High School which is the perfect school to continue and study for my future major. One day I went to my parents and talked to them about Industrial High School , and explained everything about it. Actually, I don’t have the enough information about that school. After couple of days, they decided to let me go and study in that school, but their condition was to continue my studies without any hindrances, or skipping classes.
In the first day of my studying at Industrial High School , I didn’t know anything and anyone there, and I couldn’t adjust with that school because it was big and it has a lot of buildings. After couple of days, I knew a friend and he helped me a lot with studying and everything, and then I kept studying. In the second year of senior high, I was talking to my friend about taking bachelor degree in KFUPM "King Fahad University Of Petroleum and Minerals", and he said “Yes, we have to study there and go on with our studies”. We got really excited to study a lot know about computers, and fixing computers. We practiced fixing computers everyday and got a lot of information about computers. One day, my friend looked very sad "what's going on" I said, "we cannot study at KFUPM" he said, and then I become sad. In fact, we got good grades in high school, but that was because of our degree which is not acceptable in KFUPM, and we didn't know that before getting in High school.
I kept studying in this school till I graduated, and then I decided to study at another university, but all of the university didn't accept me. I tried hard to get at any university, but it was the same. In the last week of the vacation JIC " Jubail Industrial College " accepted me. I went there to study, but the problem I faced that this college for Diploma Degree. I didn’t want that degree because my dream is to be an engineer. Actually, I went to that college because this is the only college accepted me. I studied at JIC for a year and six months, but I didn't like this college because they have extremely strong rules. In summer vacation I decided to find a job. While I was searching for a job, my brother tried to let study instead of finding a job. Actually, I got really bored of studying and I determined to find a job. One day, King Abdullah offered scholarship to the student who got over 90%, but I didn’t care of it. After that my brother tried to let me get this scholarship, but I rejected in the first time because I was focusing in finding a job, then I agreed to get the scholarship because I remember my dream. I went to the Ministry of High Education and talked to them, but they said "No" because I didn't pass a special test after high school. Subsequently I went home and told my parents, and my brother about what happened. After couple of weeks, my brother-in-law wanted his sons to get the scholarships, but the government refused, so he decided to take his sons and me to the Ministry of High Education and converse with them. My brother-in-law went there and talked to the person, who is responsible for the scholarships to America , but the person's talking wasn't fine with him and he would ignore him. My brother-in-law talked in the same way that the person was speaking with him. He got angry and went to the director of the Ministry of High Education and talked to him about our grades and why they didn't give us the scholarship, and the grades are over 90%. Then the director said "I will give them the letter to go to America by my hand". My brother-in-law calmed down and he talked to him in a nice way. We go the letter form the director. Then we went to the U.S embassy to have the visa. After that we went back to the Ministry of High Education to take the financial guarantee. We bought our staff, and then we came to America .
After arriving to America , I got really excited to know about the culture and everything in America , but the problem was that I couldn’t speak English even though I could communicate with America people by sign ******** because this is the easiest way to learn English. I have learned a lot of English, and I could communicate with people by speaking and acting if I don’t understand some of the words. After I learned English for four months, I decide to take TOFEL exam because the Culture Mission of Saudi Arabia gave us a chance to pass the TOFEL in one year and six months and we have to enroll our academic class after that time. I have tried taking the TOFEL many times, but I couldn’t pass it and the score should 500 and highest, and my problem was reading. I tried to read a lot, but I still have this problem. The year and six months expired, and the Culture Mission of Saudi Arabia would to let me go back to Saudi Arabia, but I searched for another university in America, and then the University of Central Oklahoma accepted me because I got 480 in my TOFEL score and 12 weeks after that score, then UCO accepted me as an Academic Student, so I could say that I am following my dream even though I had a lot of hindrances.



 توقيع Altaweel :
Coming Soon
سيأتي قريباًُ
Altaweel غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 25-11-2007, 12:18 AM   رقم المشاركة : 2
طرفاوي جديد

افتراضي رد: Fix please

معا اني مافهمت كلشي



AL.kass.er غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 25-11-2007, 12:19 AM   رقم المشاركة : 3
هلالي والراس عالي
طرفاوي نشيط جداً
الصورة الرمزية هلالي والراس عالي

افتراضي رد: Fix please

الله يوفقك



 توقيع هلالي والراس عالي :
هلالي والراس عالي غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 03-12-2007, 05:01 PM   رقم المشاركة : 4
طرفاوي فائق النشاط
الصورة الرمزية Renan

افتراضي رد: Fix please

There are a lot of mistakes but I don't have enough time to fix it

I hope to be able to fix it tomorrow>



 توقيع Renan :
رد: Fix please
Renan غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-12-2007, 09:34 AM   رقم المشاركة : 5
طرفاوي فائق النشاط
الصورة الرمزية Renan

افتراضي رد: Fix please

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Altaweel

After I graduated from Junior High School, I decided to study at

You are supposed to write ( After I had graduated I decided



 توقيع Renan :
رد: Fix please
Renan غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-12-2007, 03:28 AM   رقم المشاركة : 6
بنت الحسا
طرفاوي فائق النشاط
الصورة الرمزية بنت الحسا

افتراضي رد: Fix please

ترجمتها وفهمت منها

تتكلم عن دراسة العليا

يعطيك العافية اخوي

وبالتوفيق ان شاء الله للجميع



 توقيع بنت الحسا :
عساه ينعاد علينا وعليكم بالخير
بنت الحسا غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
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الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1)

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