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قديم 06-02-2007, 08:08 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1
AL MOShakes
طرفاوي نشيط
الصورة الرمزية AL MOShakes

"Internet Censorship"

Hi every one,

I hope that you will like my essay.I wrote this essay when I was in R/w 4* and it was the final draft that I gave to my teacher. Maybe it has a few mistakes but, I hope that you will like it . It's about "Internet Censorship." " رقابة الانترنت"

Internet censorship

The Internet is one of the most useful technological developments and revolutions in the world. On the Internet, the people could see the whole world in a little monitor. The person could get both positive and negative information. Some people have an addiction to the Internet. Most of the Internet users are children and teenagers. The government and the parents should censor the Internet to keep the children and teenagers away from the Internet dilemma.

First of all, the Internet makes the cosmos as one village. People can see the whole world without any censorship. The dilemma is the children and how they use the Internet. As what people have known, the children have the curiosity to know everything. So, the government has to censor the unethical websites and the children will not enter them. The parents face the problem with their children because they could not be with them the whole time to see what they are doing, and they are busy with their work. Some websites are unacceptable to the children because it has information out of the decency as what in American Ways mentions, “Americans face a constant dilemma how to balance the right to free speech the need to protect children and maintain standards of decency” (99) The children are victims for government and parents’ dereliction. The people have to take care of their children because they are a grace from God. Also, the government has to worry about the children because they are the foundation of the society.

On the same hand, the youth, the teenager, are victims of the government's irresponsibility. In this age, naturally, teenagers are thinking about *** and about their appetency. Some religions do not allow for the people to have *** before getting married. So,the websites allure them to watch ***ual movies on the Internet and in other media without any censorship whether from government or parents. There are many websites which teach the teenagers how they can impenetrate the websites. So, the government has to block these websites.

On the other hand, there are several people who believe that the Internet censorship is the antithesis with the individual freedom. Moreover, the people have a right to access whatever they want. This statement was the opinion of Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence. He was said to have been "strongly against censorship of any kind, believing that people should have free access to all information” (Garlock) Then, people could consider all of the information and make a more informed decision. The first amendment of the Constitution also states that "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech and of the press... All material or information on the Internet would be protected by this period.” Another law, the Freedom of Information Act, was passed by Congress on November 21, 1966(Madsen)

In conclusion, people are afraid about their children and they want to protect them from anything that will spoil them. To have ethical generation with pure thinking and with clear minds, the Internet should be censored by the government and by the parents, too. So, the children and teenagers will be more thoughtful about their future and their life without thinking about evil thoughts in the life such as watching ***ual websites and to impenetrate the websites

*(Reading & Writing Level 4)
تقبلوا تحياتي
ليل الغربة



AL MOShakes غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-02-2007, 12:35 AM   رقم المشاركة : 2
مشرف سابق
الصورة الرمزية إشراق

افتراضي مشاركة: "Internet Censorship"

Hi brother

Great Job and I like it so much

you did it very well and I hope you get an excellent mark



 توقيع إشراق :
الأندية غير الناجحة أمامها حل من اثنين
إما الاعتراف بتفوق الهلال والعمل على منافسته وهذا عمل صعب.
أو اختيار الحل الأسهل: المكابرة والتشكيك في إنجازات الأندية الناجحة مثل الهلال ..!
إشراق غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-02-2007, 02:32 AM   رقم المشاركة : 3
طرفاوي نشيط
الصورة الرمزية hassaan010

افتراضي مشاركة: "Internet Censorship"

thank you



 توقيع hassaan010 :
[flash=http://up11.arabsh.com/my/0741d36.swf]WIDTH=476 HEIGHT=198


hassaan010 غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-02-2007, 10:34 PM   رقم المشاركة : 4
AL MOShakes
طرفاوي نشيط
الصورة الرمزية AL MOShakes

مشاركة: "Internet Censorship"

Thank you guys,

Actually, I got 95% and as what I mentioned before I wrote this when I was in RW/4. I hope that you liked it.

Thank you for comment.

تقبلوا تحياتي
ليل الغربة ( كتوم )



AL MOShakes غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-02-2007, 12:56 AM   رقم المشاركة : 5
عاشقة الزهراء
طرفاوي بدأ نشاطه
الصورة الرمزية عاشقة الزهراء

افتراضي مشاركة: "Internet Censorship"

thank you



 توقيع عاشقة الزهراء :
مشاركة: "Internet Censorship"
ما اصعب ان تشعربالحزن العميق
وكأنه كامـنٌ فى داخــلك ألـــم عريــــق
تستـــكمل وحــدك الطــريــق ..
بلا هـدفٍ ... بلا شــريكٍ ... بلا رفيــقٍ
وتصير انت و الحزن و الندم فريق
وتجد وجهك بين الدموع غريق
و يتحــول الأمــل البــاقى الى.... بريـق
عاشقة الزهراء غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-02-2007, 09:09 PM   رقم المشاركة : 6
رحيق الجنة
طرفاوي نشيط جداً
الصورة الرمزية رحيق الجنة

افتراضي مشاركة: "Internet Censorship"

thanks alot



 توقيع رحيق الجنة :
مشاركة: "Internet Censorship"

أسألك يا نفسي..يا من تدري بأسرار زماني..
ماذا فعلت حتى يضيق مكاني؟؟
فقولي لي..هل من مبرر لحرماني؟؟
أيا نفس أفيقي!؟
إن هناك لحبك مريد..إنه رب مجيد
انظري كم أعطاك وأنت تنكرين؟؟
وكم دنا منك وأنت تبتعدين؟؟
وكم سأل عنك وأنت في المعاصي تغرقين؟؟
ألا تتفكري!!!؟؟

رحيق الجنة غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
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