:Hi_3 :Hello_3
aslam alukm
first of all I would like to take this oppertunaity to than HAMEL ALMISK for translation of my letter and as you know you are my brother too.
I'm again here to continue with you from USA, in Verginai State of in Salem city however ; Verginai State has the capital city is Ronoake city I'm far away from Ronake city around 20 miles I can say drive with 30 minutes.
on last time I wrote to you once I closed the internet dierectly the weather was changed from cloudly to heavy rain and continously upto two days. so that I notice all the things around me every things is clean and no mud carring the tires of the car , here I remmember our vellage when it rainy we found everythings came bad to our cars , houses streets and .... as you knew.
On our weekend of course the weekend here is saturday & sunday, on Sunday I went out as tourst placese, one of these place is called natural bridge as the name of the city this city was around 80 miles away from Ronoake around one hour & half driving, in fact this bridge has buitiful place and by nature buil I mean Allaha who did this subhan allah two mountains and connect by rocks which reflact the high and big bridge between them rather than that the trees and grasp is growing on it did you bleive in this that trees growing the rocks but my God can do.
on othe hands I visit their miusum which has one portion all Americans presedents( including the sun(.
also has revir in both ******** with the montains, this revier collect its water from the rain and through rocks and the strange thing is coming from carevan )Kahf) and once i tasted this is very sweet and pure rather than the big trees foud thier with this water you find yourself in a haven.
I have alot of things so later insha'allah I will write it down to you.
So now I will leave until next nearst time .
ma'a alslamah :Bye