عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 10-11-2008, 08:37 PM   رقم المشاركة : 11
الوردة الملونة
طرفاوي نشيط جداً
الصورة الرمزية الوردة الملونة

افتراضي رد: دمار..اعصار..بركان..زلزال..البرشا 6-0 بلد الوليد

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة شنايدر
دخلت على موقع وما شفت شي من اللي تقول

أسلوب قديم جدا الهروب من الموضوع الاساسي وبعد فتره يأتي ويطلب مصادر لكي يتغير الموضوع ويأتي مراقب القسم ويغلق الموضوع

So it is not without good reason that FC Barcelona is regarded as being more than a football club. Yet their progress to their present strong position has not been without its difficulties: away from the sporting scene there have been tragic events, such as the death of founding father Hans Gamper who took his own life in the aftermath of the economic crash in 1929, the closure of the stadium during the dictatorship of General Primo de Rivera, after an incident in which, during a memorial game for "Orfeo Catala" in 1925, the Spanish national anthem was met with jeers and whistles, or, never to be forgotten, the murder of club president Josep Sunyol, the parliamentary representative for "Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya", who was shot by Franco's troops in 1936. During the Spanish Civil War the Barcelona team had to take refuge in South America, where they went their separate ways: Ventolra and Iborra stayed in Mexico, Balmanya and Escola went to France. In 1943, in a match against Real Madrid, which Madrid won 11:1, the Barcelona players were threatened by the police in their changing room. Examples such as these show the important role that FC Barcelona has played in the lives of its supporters and the rivalry that has existed (still exists?) between Barca and other Spanish clubs, and not only in terms of sporting matters.
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