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قديم 18-04-2006, 02:59 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1
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افتراضي 17-4-2006احدث اصدار لبرنامج كاسبر سكاي انتي فايروس

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
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اليكم اخواني الاصدار الحديث من برنامج الكاسبر سكاي انتي فايروس :


Kaspersky.Anti.Virus.Mobile.v2.0.32b.S60.SymbianOS 6.1,7.0
Kaspersky.Anti.Virus.Mobile.v2.0.32b.S60.SymbianOS 8.0,8.1

Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Mobile

Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Mobile 2.0 protects smartphones from malicious programs and unwanted messages, and provides the following features:

* Real-time protection of the smartphone's file system against malicious applications.
* On demand or scheduled scans of file system ******s stored either on your smartphone or on memory extension cards.
* Secure isolation of infected ******s in quarantine.
* Updating of the antivirus databases used to detect malicious applications and delete unsafe ******s.
* Blocking of unwanted SMS and MMS messages.

The user can customize Kaspersky Anti-Virus Mobile settings, monitor current protection status, and view application logs with the results of application activities.

The application has an easy-to-use menu and a user-friendly interface.

What's new in Version 2.0
The following features have been added since the release of version 1.7.

* Optimized antivirus engine and higher performance;
* The option to scan individual ******s (files or folders);
* Quarantine;
* Support for unpacking sis files and scanning their *******s;
* Antispam for SMS/MMS;
* Updates can be downloaded using the smartphone's web browser;
* Information on detected viruses can be provided using the smartphone's web browser.

System requirements:

Smartphones with Symbian OS 6.1, 7.0s, 8.0, 8.1 Series 60 User Interface

The product has been tested on the following hardware configurations:

* Nokia: 3230, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 6260, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, N70, N90, 7610, 7650, N-Gage, NGage-QD.

* Lenovo: P930.
* Panasonic: x700, x800.
* Samsung: SGH D720, SGH D730.
* Sendo: X.
* Siemens: SX1.

Note: The product is available in two versions: one distribution package for Symbian OS 6.1, 7.0s Series 60 UI and one distribution for Symbian OS 8.0, 8.1 Series 60 UI.



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17-4-2006احدث اصدار لبرنامج كاسبر سكاي انتي فايروس
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17-4-2006احدث اصدار لبرنامج كاسبر سكاي انتي فايروس
رآؤوووووووووول العرب

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة فاقد الذاكره ; 27-04-2006 الساعة 08:18 PM.
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