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can any bady help me
بكل صراحة اريد شخص يتحدث معي بي اللغة الانجلزية على طول
رد: can any bady help me
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
يوجد موضوع مثبت في منتدى التعليم واللغات اضغط هنا وهو خاص بالدردشة باللغة الإنجليزية وفق الله الجميع |
رد: can any bady help me
انا اعرف اسولف ......... هههههه
رد: can any bady help me
انا اعرف اسولف انا عندي دوره
رد: can any bady help me
لي الاسف لم اجد التعاون المطلوب منكم يا ابناء بلدتي العزيزة
رد: can any bady help me
hi, how are you? can you tell me what do you want to talk about it? |
رد: can any bady help me
Hi in fact i want talk about every thing
رد: can any bady help me
I like to ask you. what's your habits? |
رد: can any bady help me
i have a few habit such as . internet and reading and just studying
رد: can any bady help me
Hi Malak,
I am glad to talk to you and to all members in this fourm. but i dont want you to use transolator to talk with us now , tell me why do you want to learn english? bye ur brother : Rooh Al-Mustafa |
رد: can any bady help me
We really need to practise English more time to be able to speak it fluently.
رد: can any bady help me
i think malak still sleep
رد: can any bady help me
I didn't sleep like what you think sir just I am these days busy with my study and I will come back after few of time
رد: can any bady help me
I'm really glad to join you guys , but let's specify one topic to talk about because taking like this will not be helpful even you are participating well. my advice is to read as much as you can ( novels, stories and whatever ) so that your english will be growing up . believe me brothers since we are living in Arabic community , practicing the english by speaking to the other is so difficult. so take my advice and you will see the difference. regard |
رد: can any bady help me
Hi Dude, i'm here for helping any body who wanna learn English. Especially American accent tell me or if you wanna speak on Mic here is my Skype:smart2022 if you need any more assistance just message me xoxo |
الساعة الآن 03:36 AM |
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