منتديات الطرف

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سفين المجد 06-03-2004 08:02 PM

I Love you because

You can make me smile
When no one else can,
and in your arms I feel
safe and secure

You are attentive and romantic
you listen to my interests
and worries
and you care

You are kind and thoughtful
and you see the good in others

You are hardworking and determined
Yet you know how to have fun

You love me
and you are open and honest
about the love we share

you smile melts my heart
and your touch can set me on fire

I love you because

You are you
And you mean everything to me

الغريب 11-03-2004 04:37 AM

سفين المجد ..

لي عودة بإذن الله مع هذه المقطوعة ..

ولكن لم أعرف إن كانت من كتاباتك أو منقولاتك ..

تحياتي ،،

إشراق 16-03-2004 12:17 AM

<div align="center">I loved you because you gave me the perfect meaning of friendship.
I loved you because there is no one deserves my heart but you.
If I did not love you, love has created for nothing.
I want to be near you honey because every things are boring without you.

Nice prose Safeen but be careful for the following mistake

your smile melts my heart
and your touch can set me on fire</div>

إشراق 11-07-2006 03:08 AM

مشاركة: ........I Love you because
This participation deserves to be raised - moved up

I miss you Safeen Al Majd

الساعة الآن 05:53 AM

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